24 March 2023
When people ask us how they should get started coding with Wagtail, we often point them to our Get Started options or the tutorial in our documentation. But you're going to definitely need more stuff to build a production-ready project. How to find templates and examples Study the bakery demo: The bakery demo was created to showcase how a production-ready Wagtail website looks, so it's always a great place to start when looking for example code. Check awesome-wagtail: The awesome-wagtail repository is by far the most comprehensive list of open source Wagtail resources you can use for projects. They have whole sections dedicated to starter templates and open source website examples. Poke around wagtail.org: Our official website code is totally out in the open and you can find some great examples of deployment settings for Heroku, how different StreamField block collections can be mixed and matched and organised, and much more. Explore more tutorials: Not every tutorial has been written for the newest version of Wagtail but the list we maintain in the Wagtail documentation is a great spot to see if someone has written up a tutorial that could help you out. Look at Django resources too: If you can't find an example of what you're looking for in Wagtail, then expand your search to include Django too. There are differences between Wagtail and Django but a lot of features translate well to both. Peruse Wagtail site designs: If you're not a developer and need some ideas for what's possible with Wagtail, looking at the portfolios of the agencies that work with Wagtail will give you some inspiration. Save the date: DjangoCon Europe 202329 May - June 2 Many Wagtailers and Django enthusiasts will be attending Djangocon Europe in Edinburgh, Scotland. If you're presenting a talk or tutorial that the Wagtail community would enjoy, please do tell us about it in the Slack community or email us so we can help get the word out. 📣 Learn something newLatest ChirpsPackage Updates Until next time, thank you for reading! If you have a news item to contribute or a package release to report, please reach out to us through our Slack community or email us.
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