Introducing the Wagtail Roadmap
Curious what's next for Wagtail? There's a roadmap for that

Deciding what features go into a Wagtail release is quite the process. A lot of factors need to be considered each time around, and we want to get into a habit of sharing the outcomes of our decisions widely with the community. Now you can get a quick snapshot of where Wagtail is heading by going to
Let's be clear, the Roadmap is definitely a set of goals more than it is a set of promises. Open source software development can be very much like a road trip. You might plan to drive to a new destination every day, but there are things that can affect your trip along the way like construction or poor weather or bored children who demand bathroom breaks every fifteen minutes. There are definitely going to be obstacles we can't predict and adjustments will be made as each release progresses.
If you do see a feature you're excited about and really want to help make it into an upcoming release, one thing that would be super helpful is sponsorship. From upgrades to the page editor to user commenting and localization features, sponsors have moved a lot of great Wagtail features forward that have benefited the whole community. We included some handy "Sponsor This" flags in the Roadmap to give you some ideas for what we would like help with. If any of those features interest you, please get in touch! We'd love to have a conversation.