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3 Feb 2015

Team meeting notes 3rd February

Lots of progress behind the scenes. Contrib apps, Heroku and tutorials.

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Torchbox development

Github activity pulse January 27 to February 3


There is not much to show on StreamField. There was a plenty of progress behind the scenes, paving the path for the new feature. The good news is, we will hold a StreamField sprint this Thursday and Friday. @gasman, @davecranwell and Wes will put in focused backend, front-end and design time.


The Wagtail API has a fully functional and feature-rich release as a contributed app.

As mentioned previously, the first version is read-only. You can read the documentation using -- a quick win before the app gets added to Wagtail itself.

Features such as filtering by tags and foreign key expansion (e.g. feed_images) are among the of ideas to further extend the API. 

It is worth noting that the API does not have any rate limiting. We recommend implementing that higher up the stack. You can read more on rate limiting with nginx on the Lincoln Loop blog. Alternatively, you can use Django Ratelimit.

One-click deploy on Heroku

Thanks to @spapas, you can now deploy the Wagtail demo to Heroku with little effort. The same setup works with dokku and was already used by @kaedroho to spin up several test Wagtail instances.

Heroku deploy button

Contributed apps

We are delighted to see the first 3rd party contributed Wagtail app. @mhnbcu created wagtailbakery, a draft integration module with Django Bakery. The latter is a versatile set of helper to convert your Django site to flat files.

@kaedroho will review it as a possible replacement for django-medusa.