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30 May 2024

To Wagtail Space and Beyond: A month of live Wagtail events

A whole month of Wagtail-inspired talks, events, sprints, and more

Meagen Voss

Meagen Voss

Wagtail community manager

The words Wagtail Space 2024 with a wagtail in a spaceship flying over them.

It’s official. Wagtail CMS is taking over the month of June. We have not one, not two, but three live events where you will find Wagtailers hanging out with each other this month. And there’s still time to grab tickets if you want to join in. Here’s what you can look forward to this month:

5-9 June: DjangoCon Europe

We have five members of the Wagtail community presenting at DjangoCon Europe. These are the talks you should definitely check out if you go:

12-14 June: Wagtail Space NL

Our fabulous friends at Four Digits are hosting two days of Wagtail sprints followed by one day of Wagtail talks. You can sling some code together with fellow open source enthusiasts then get inspired by all the excellent speakers in their packed schedule.

20-22 June: Wagtail Space US

The City of Brotherly Love will become the City of Wagtail for two days of talks and one day of sprints generously hosted by the Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia. Come learn what other fans of Wagtail have been building, then join us for a casual Saturday sprint.

Virtual Options

Can’t travel? Don’t give into FOMO! Check out our virtual options!

Both Wagtail Space events have dedicated channels in the Wagtail Slack community under #wagtail-space-nl-2024 and #wagtail-space-us-2024. Also, Wagtail Space US will be streaming their content live via Zoom for anyone who can make US Eastern time zone hours work for them. Sign up for the event to get the Zoom link.

We also have virtual talks that we’ll be sharing throughout the month on YouTube and social media. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get alerts when new talks are posted. You can get started right here with our first virtual talk from Grace Amondi and Erick Otenyo.