What will Wagtail look like in 2023?
We’ve been doing some work on our vision for Wagtail for the next two years. It’s still a work in progress but we feel it’s a good time to share it and get feedback from the wider Wagtail community.
Why do we need a vision?
When a team is excited about a product vision and everyone is bought into it, you can make so much more happen. Even if you don’t fully deliver on the vision, you’ll get closer than you would have done without it.
A shared vision will help to make our product development more purposeful and strategic. We’ll achieve more in the areas that matter and focus less on areas that don’t, and it can help us to plan out the dependencies in the work we need to do now in order to achieve our bigger goals.
What are the time scales?
We’re working on a two year timescale, focusing on what we think will be achievable by 2023. Therefore, there is nothing out of this world, no VR headset integrations, but just enough to simultaneously scare and inspire; scared about the scale of the work, but inspired about the destination.
Can we see it?
Yes you can. There are lots of different ways that a product vision could be presented such as videos or playbooks, we’ve chosen to use a comic strip. This format allows us to tell powerful stories that resonate with people, without needing to be too specific. We’ve separated the vision into five key areas, or pillars.

Here is what we hope it will be like using Wagtail in 2023 - view The Vision