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Wagtail for Businesses

Why Wagtail CMS is a great choice for corporations, publishers, and other private businesses

You don't have to pay enterprise prices to get enterprise features. With an open source content management system (CMS) like Wagtail CMS, you can create superb-looking websites that are secure, customizable, and accessible. Here are just a few reasons that Wagtail is a great choice for publishers, data management firms, and other private businesses:

Corporations and businesses that use Wagtail

This is a screenshot of one of Google's Wagtail websites


As the only CMS that meets Google's strict security standards, Wagtail powers multiple Google publications, including

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This is a screenshot from the main website of The Motley Fool

The Motley Fool

The Motley Fool chose to replace Wordpress with Wagtail because it sped up their work and helped them serve their millions of readers even better.

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Screenshot of the home page of the YouGov website built with headless Wagtail


YouGov went headless with Wagtail and consolidated their content by moving 20,000+ articles across 30+ websites in 40+ locales to Wagtail CMS.

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See more organizations that chose Wagtail

Many private and public organizations around the world have put their trust in Wagtail

“It’s so much faster that we’re able to get stuff out there, see if it works, see if it’s worth investing in and if it is then it’s making money for us straight away. Security is key for peace of mind as well. I have no worries with Wagtail, whereas with any given Wordpress site there are at least 20 different plug-ins that could suddenly become de-supported or a security problem.”

Tim White, The Motley Fool

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From small to large agencies as well as a community of freelancers, there are Wagtail experts available who can help you with your project goals.