Latest chirps
Enjoy a smoother content experience with Wagtail 6.4
Our newest features help you create and organize quality content even faster
aria-label is a letdown
One in three aria-label implementations have likely issues
Using uv for installing Wagtail
A Wagtail community member shares why they are loving uv
Introducing the new starter kit for Wagtail CMS
See just how quick you can get a Wagtail site up and running
uv overtakes Poetry
uv download statistics overtake Poetry for Wagtail users
Looking for sponsorship: SEO power tools
We’re looking for feature sponsors for new SEO capabilities. Here’s what we’re planning so far. A Wordpress to Wagtail migration story for a leader in global health
Tom Furtwangler from PATH spent some time with us sharing how his organization transitioned from Wordpress to Wagtail
Wagtail starter kit now deployable to Divio
Another great option for quick-launching a Wagtail project
Resuming Wagtail's UI team
After a long hiatus, we're resuming the UI team and inviting contributors to coordinate adoption of modern design principles and technologies
Wagtail Space US 2024: Beating the heat with cool code
With three days of talks and sprints, Wagtail Space US was a great way to escape the summer heat in Philadelphia.
Enjoy a smoother content experience with Wagtail 6.4
Our newest features help you create and organize quality content even faster
Our updated Accessibility Conformance Report
We have updated our Accessibility Conformance Report for Wagtail 6.3
Wagtail Space NL 2024 Recap: Productive and Fun
Wagtail Space NL 2024 is behind us: two days of coding sprints and one conference day. Here’s an overview of the event and summaries of the presentations.
Results of the 2024 Wagtail headless survey
The results of the 2024 Wagtail headless survey are here! There are plenty of expected results plus a few surprises.
Reflections on grid-aware websites
Wagtail joins forces with the Green Web Foundation and other CMS communities to reduce the carbon footprint of the web