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Wagtail 0.5: image is everything (but there's more)

July saw the release of Wagtail 0.5, which marks the introduction of some really exciting, and frankly cool, new features which reflect our vision for Wagtail to be as thoughtfully designed and powerful as we can make it.

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Wagtail 0.4: scheduled publishing, private pages, caching, and more

June’s Wagtail release sees the introduction of a set of small but perfectly formed functional enhancements which offer more power and flexibility to editors and developers alike.

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Take a look at the Wagtail Launch Event

Watch the Wagtail launch event video to find out how Wagtail came about and what our users have to say

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Wagtail 0.3: Say Hello to Edit Bird

The big bits in the latest version of Wagtail.

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Torchbox development

Meet Wagtail, Torchbox's new CMS

Big news, Torchbox have released a brand new, open source Content Management System, Wagtail.

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Torchbox development