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Wagtail 2.0

Wagtail 2.0 has arrived, and it's delicious.

Tom Dyson

Tom Dyson

Director, Torchbox

Bristol Sprint

Focusing on editor experience

Tom Dyson

Tom Dyson

Director, Torchbox

New core team members

Welcoming Loïc, Emily, Andy and Will

Tom Dyson

Tom Dyson

Director, Torchbox

The NHS picks Wagtail will be running Wagtail from autumn 2017

Tom Dyson

Tom Dyson

Director, Torchbox

Getting Started with Wagtail and GraphQL

I was recently tasked with adding a CMS to an existing React application using GraphQL and Python+Django on the back end.

Brent Clark

Brent Clark

Core team expansion

We're building the core team to accelerate the project

Tom Dyson

Tom Dyson

Director, Torchbox

Using Amazon S3 to Store Wagtail Media Files

Amazon S3 is a great resource for handling your site’s media files. While Whitenoise is a convenient solution for static files, it isn’t meant for user-uploaded content. Amazon S3 provides a solution that is equally as convenient for your media files. It can also offer some performance advantages over other options.

Kyle Rutten

Kyle Rutten

Deploying Wagtail to Heroku, 2017 edition

Heroku is a great platform which takes away much of the hassle of system administration when trying to deploy a website, but it has its idiosyncrasies which you need to know about when trying to deploy Wagtail.

Kyle Rutten

Kyle Rutten

Reykjavik Sprint

We're having a sprint in Iceland, and you're invited.

Tom Dyson

Tom Dyson

Director, Torchbox

A plate of snow, and other images

Focal cropping, feature detection and cloud vision

Tom Dyson

Tom Dyson

Director, Torchbox